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The Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR) is redefining recruitment to retention and is the only professional organization where physician and provider recruitment leaders and others who influence recruitment, onboarding and retention can connect, learn and advance their careers.
#IamAAPPR is a celebration of our members and the fantastic work they do in health care in their communities every day. Carey Goryl, MSW, CAE, is the CEO of AAPPR. Carey believes that the #IamAAPPR campaign is a platform to highlight AAPPR members, strategic partners, and programs directly from people living it every day. AAPPR […]
The high cost of turnover in health care and the ever-present provider shortage validates the importance of strengthening physician and provider retention strategies in every organization. A study by the University of Virginia Health System determined that physicians were more likely to leave their positions if they felt they were spending too much time in […]
Download COVID-19 Impact & Response Infographic Over three months after the United States began restricting movement to flatten the curve of COVID-19, in-house physician recruitment teams are still innovating and adapting to a new form of recruitment and hiring. AAPPR recently queried of its members through both an online survey and personal interviews to hear […]
Health care is a human-centered experience and, as an organization of health care professionals, it is heartbreaking and tragic that in 2020 we find ourselves still struggling with issues that are so fundamental to human dignity. The deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many countless others bring to the forefront the […]
As recruitment professionals, we are keenly aware of our organization’s brand and branding strategy, but have you given the same thought to your brand? What does your professional brand say about you? Like your organization’s brand, your professional brand establishes who you are and what you value. Your professional brand can not only help you […]
In collaboration with our members and the feedback, resources, and insights they have shared through Member Chat, AAPPR has compiled the following suggested tips for virtual interviews.
AAPPR is here to support our members. In the last several weeks, we at AAPPR have watched our members pivot and adapt to the effects COVID-19 has had on our world and on recruitment professionals. We have listened and are here to continue to support our members. Overnight, the health care industry has mobilized to […]
Health eCareers joins physician recruitment thought leaders as newest AAPPR Strategic Corporate Partner Expands voice of the Association to more than 800,000 health providers (Okemos, MI) – Feburary 2, 2020 – The Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR), the leading authority on physician recruitment, onboarding, and retention, announced a new strategic […]
In January 2020, AAPPR announced a new competency model and exciting plans to change the FASPR certification to one that strategically aligns with this model. We are pleased to announce the name of the certification is CPRP (Certified Physician/Provider Recruitment Professional). This change signifies AAPPR’s commitment to helping you advance your career. Why the change? […]
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Accept CloseWe’re making big improvements! Certain services and pages — including conference registration, AAPPR Chat, member directory, online learning (i.e. CPRP courses, certificate courses, online webinars, etc.), joining, and membership renewals — will be unavailable during this period. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to share what’s next!