Benefits to attendees of this exclusive event:
Complimentary registration and two nights hotel accommodations
Share insights and information with other physician recruitment and retention executive leaders
Participate in trending topic roundtables facilitated by Debra Zabloudil, FACHE, with the goal of shaping AAPPR’s education content.
Have the option to be recognized for your thought-leadership on key HR/Recruitment topics as a future panelist at AAPPR national and regional meetings; as a contributor to ROAR, AAPPR’s Journal; as a trainer and mentor to the AAPPR membership
Meet with sponsoring industry business partners and have the opportunity to provide insights and feedback on new and current products and services
Attend keynote speaker sessions by Dr. Michelle Rozen, a nationally recognized leader on motivation, leadership, change management and conflict management and Crystal Washington, CSP, a technology strategist and certified futurist who has worked for companies including Google, Microsoft, and GE