Redefining Recruitment to Retention

AAPPR Board Corner: Intentional Representation

By: Emerson Moses, MBA, CPRP
President of the AAPPR Board


Intentional Representation. It’s a phrase that some might say has become my new motto when it comes to AAPPR. I speak to it a lot during our Board meetings, and I had the opportunity to share what that means to me as Board President at our recent Annual Meeting of Membership in Chicago. I thought that I would share a bit of that address here:

“Our job in serving all of you is to ensure that we are consistently driving this association to bring you what you need and to elevate you as the industry experts in our space. To always have a lens on how our profession is changing and evolving – and to know the factors impacting that so that we can be strategic and futuristic as we continue to advance our field.

And for the Board to do that successfully, it must have intentional representation.

We are shaped by the experiences we have and the environments that surround us. The importance of seeing those experiences represented is the driving factor for us moving forward as well as our ability as an Association to support you where you need to be supported. That is why one of the most important roles I believe that I have as President is to ensure that we reflect each of you – the professionals in our industry who drive the work, the innovation and the mission.”

I also was proud to share several key accomplishments from the last year, the first being the publication of two White Papers representing our members as the voice of expertise in our space. The second is the completion and launch of the CPRP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion micro-credential – an educational curriculum that is the first of its kind in the field of talent attraction:

“Having participated in the training myself, I can tell you first hand that it is groundbreaking, thought-provoking, and inspiring.

The influence we have through our profession to change the direction of inequity in healthcare is remarkable. This credential was a vision that was powerful to see come to life. But it is only the first stop on this journey for AAPPR to be intentional and consistent in ensuring that all that we do is also looked at from a lens of Equity and Inclusion.”

With all of this in mind, I would be remiss if I did not ask something of you, our members: intentional engagement. We need the representation of your work and your experiences. The 2022 Benchmark Survey will close shortly and we know that the only way that the research will serve you is if it represents you and the work that you do. The changing landscape of our field is reflected in this data, and it is imperative that we have a pulse on it in order to offer you the solutions that you need.

We also need more diverse representation in our volunteers and committees – and we have opportunities in all areas. If you have always wanted to volunteer but haven’t yet reached out about options, now is the time. From Member Engagement to Education, your voice, your experiences, and your expertise matter.  Learn more on the website. Because in diversity, we find innovation and success.

And as I said to close out my address in Chicago, and I say it again here with heartfelt gratitude, “thank you all for being members and for being the engaged and inspiring professionals and individuals that you are. It is YOU that makes us better. And it is an HONOR to serve you.”

Important Notice: Temporary Downtime from Jan. 22 – Feb. 3, 2025

We’re making big improvements! Certain services and pages — including conference registration, AAPPR Chat, member directory, online learning (i.e. CPRP courses, certificate courses, online webinars, etc.), joining, and membership renewals — will be unavailable during this period. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to share what’s next!

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