Redefining Recruitment to Retention

AAPPR Board Corner – Creating C-Suite and Leadership Advocates

By Allan Cacanindin


It’s Friday, and you have a physician who starts Monday, and the medical staff office hasn’t cleared them for a start. Meanwhile, you have a recent hire who has questions about their offer letter. Oh wait, you have to work with the department for another physician for last-minute coverage? But hang on, you also have to post the internal medicine position your leader wanted two months ago for a start date in the next three months. Then, whoops, your email just notified you that another physician resigned, and a department lead just sent you a text message saying they need an advanced practitioner partner and asking when you can meet to discuss the recruitment strategy. And the list goes on and on. Sound familiar?

As if the day-to-day challenges of recruiting talented physicians and providers weren’t enough, many of us find ourselves asking how we are going to get the job done…in a timely way, under budget, without adding resources, and delivering what seemingly becomes an all-too-often quest to help educate and realign stakeholder expectations.

From becoming and staying a destination employer to having the selectivity of candidate-of-choice, today’s recruitment environment leaves little in the way of maintaining a competitive advantage to recruit exceptional talent.

Undoubtedly, the success you encounter is not easy, and the days of advocacy for your needs are few and far between. But there are ways to stage your best advocates for success — your C-Suite and leaders. Really! Despite the unrelenting question of ‘where’s my hire?’, instilling their needed trust and support for you and your ideas requires not only your knowledge to speak their language, but to do so in a meaningful and effective way to help remove recruitment barriers and level-set expectations for an increasingly competitive market.

The art and science behind the language of the C-Suite and leaders is fueled by none other than data — and, more importantly, the interpretation/translation of that data into action. After all, data points are meaningless numbers without the understanding and recommendations of physician and provider recruitment leaders like you. Data fueling a recruitment strategy yields greater value by the C-Suite and senior leaders for a more effective and efficient approach to recruitment with greater confidence that clinical workforce growth goals can be achieved. Without data and value analysis, the risk of losing millions of dollars in lost revenue, expensive position vacancies, and perhaps costly temporary staffing resources.

For key data and strategies to help your C-Suite and leaders become recruitment advocates, please download our Creating Advocates Among C-Suite and Leadership quick guide.

Ready for more C-Suite/leader language? Be on the lookout for the next blog post, Let the Numbers do the Talking: Developing Effective Executive Dashboards to Showcase Your Success!


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