In-Person OAR Course!
The Onboarding and Retention Certificate Course is held in-person only, in conjunction with the AAPPR Annual Conference each spring. Check back for future in-person course offerings!
Suited for individuals who participate in the provider onboarding process and experience, or for teams looking to implement an onboarding program, this course will provide participants with best practices on creating or enhancing your program. Whether you have all onboarding tasks handled by one person, or a dedicated onboarding team, you’ll walk away with ideas on what a successful program looks like, tips for incorporating virtual and in-person tactics and measurable ways to track the program’s sustainability.
We’re making big improvements! Certain services and pages — including conference registration, AAPPR Chat, member directory, online learning (i.e. CPRP courses, certificate courses, online webinars, etc.), joining, and membership renewals — will be unavailable during this period. We appreciate your patience and can’t wait to share what’s next!