Redefining Recruitment to Retention

Who is AIR?

AIR is the acronym for Academic In-House Recruiters, an official Shared Interest Group of the Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR). AIR’s membership consists of in-house recruiters across the nation who actively participate in recruiting physicians into faculty-affiliated jobs, either at their respective university, affiliated hospitals or groups.

Why Join?

AIR is dedicated to empowering the advancement of academic recruiters through networking opportunities, education, creating a platform for research and articles, promotion of member facilities to residents and fellows, and serving as a collaborative group for support of members.

To join AIR, edit your Shared Interest Group selection within your AAPPR profile.

Join AIR Today!

Leadership Team




AIR uses a variety of avenues throughout the year to meet the needs of our members. We offer a quarterly rotation of membership calls, webinars and “AIRmail” newsletters to share information.

AIR Chat


What Makes Academic Physicians Satisfied With Their Job?


What Value-Based Payment Means for Academic Medical Centers


An Academic Recruitment Journey – A reflection from an AIR member