Redefining Recruitment to Retention

AAPPR Resources


Meet someone at our conference or a regional event? Get in touch utilizing our membership directory.

Access our Directory


Have a question only a fellow professional can help with? Utilize our chat feature to access your colleagues for insight.

Access Chat


Find a new position by searching the listings in AAPPR Recruiter Job Board and post your CV for potential employers.

Access Careers

Vendor Discount & Buyers Guide

The AAPPR Vendor Discount Program provides our members with access to high-quality services, cutting-edge technology, and top-of-the-line products. Participate and gain high visibility with our members by offering a discount on your company’s services!

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AAPPR encourages our members to get involved in volunteer opportunities and development. Here you can volunteer for projects that fit your interests, expertise, and schedule. You will also find a wealth of information to help you develop your leadership skills to help you excel as a leader in your organization, in AAPPR, and in the physician recruitment and retention industry.


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Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) and Affiliates

Maximize your membership experience with AAPPR. When you join AAPPR, you are able to connect with one of our 15 regional groups (SIGs are included with membership at no additional cost, Affiliates may require an additional cost). This is an added benefit to your membership to help enhance your knowledge, develop leadership skills, and build community.


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SIGs and Affiliates:
  • CAPS
  • ISPR
  • MRRN
  • MINK MidwestMD
  • ONPR
  • WSPR
  • CaSPR



Are you looking for AAPPR gear to show off your profession? Our store gains you access to a wide variety of clothing options as well as swag to show your dedication to our organization.



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