Physician Shortage Continues to Impact Length of Time to Fill Positions
Number of Searches per Health Care Organization Continues to Rise
Recently released industry research cites trends
Our new report has the definitive answer. New findings confirm that the United States physician shortage is on the rise, impacting recruitment and retention at every level. From specialists to family medicine practitioners, recruiting and hiring physicians continues to be a challenge facing health care systems and physician practices. This industry trend continues to worsen, according to the recently released benchmark study from the Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR), whose members are the leading authorities in the physician and provider recruitment to retention continuum.
Nearly 150 AAPPR member organizations participated in the extensive annual research study representing more than 10,000 searches, almost two-thirds specific to physicians. A new feature of the interactive report: users can create their unique benchmark report with a Days to Fill Calculator. This online predictive indicator provides a range of time it will likely take to fill a specific physician specialty vacancy based on geographic area or desirability of location. mini sex doll
More key findings from the just-released 2019 In-House Physician and Provider Recruitment Benchmarking Report:
- Organizations are doing more searches than ever before, and they are hiring more in-house physician recruiters as a result.
- Physician searches are taking longer than ever recorded in the ten-year history of the report.
- Primary care specialties of family, internal medicine and hospitalist physicians are the most sought-after – making them the most competitive searches to fill.
- Physician positions least likely to be filled in 2018 included Dermatology, Genetics, Plastic Surgery and Gastroenterology.
- Facilities serving smaller communities see higher physician turnover thereby increasing staffing costs.
- The increasing difficulty of filling physician vacancies and the overall economy and job market are boosting recruiter compensation levels for the 24/7 role they fill.
- Most recruiters have some workplace flexibility that allows them to work from home or work flexible hours. But despite that and the increase in pay, turnover is highest for recruiters who are pushed to carry more than the median search load.
- “The physician and provider shortages continue to impact the speed at which health organizations can replace or grow their physician workforce,” said Lynne Peterson, AAPPR Board President. “I’m glad to see that systems are adding staff to their in-house teams to meet the ever increasing demand.”
The Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR) is a professional organization comprised of nearly 2,000 members focused solely on advancing in-house physician and provider recruitment professionals. AAPPR is the leading authority on physician/provider recruitment and retention.
The complete 2019 In-house Physician Recruitment Benchmarking Report is available to member organizations for $399. To order, please visit or email